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Pick a Date

Spring and Summer is definitely wedding season, however as smaller weddings become more popular the season has extended.  The sooner you book your marriage commissioner, the better to ensure you get the date you want.

Choose a Venue

A wedding can take place in almost any venue depending on the size of your wedding – a hotel, a park, or your living room or backyard!  If you need help finding a location, or would like for me to host a small ceremony in my home, please give me a call and we can work together to find the perfect place.

If you choose an outdoor location, I would recommend a backup indoor location just in case Mother Nature has other plans for your special day! However, if you are ok getting rained on – so am I!

Get a Marriage License

You will need a VALID marriage license prior to the wedding ceremony.  Get your license at any Alberta Registry office.

Choose Your Witnesses

You will require two witnesses over the age of 18 present for the marriage ceremony.  If you are unable to supply two witnesses, I will supply them for an additional fee of $50.

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